Firewise Course Information
Firewise Learning Center courses cover a range of wildfire safety topics for audiences including homeowners, forestry professionals, and firefighters. Course design and length varies, but all courses are structured to allow you to learn at your own pace.
Once you have enrolled in a course, you can return to the Firewise Learning Center at any time to continue a course you have started or take a new course.
Firewise Landscaping is designed for people living in wildland areas who make decisions about landscaping their homes. The course considers the issues of appropriate landscape designs, specific planting and pruning alternatives, and appropriate planting materials for interface/intermix fire environments.
It has three parts: an Overview; Design/Installation; and Maintenance. It also includes a virtual Firewise landscaping model you can use to visualize design alternatives. The course takes approximately three hours to complete.
Firefighter Safety in the Wildland/Urban Interface addresses problems faced by structural and wildland firefighters when fighting fires, especially those threatening structures in the wildland/urban interface. An important goal is to improve knowledge of firefighter safety and survival issues.
The course has three parts: Understanding Fire Behavior in the WUI; Structure Protection Strategies in the WUI; and Firefighter Safety in the WUI. The entire course takes approximately four hours to complete.
Water Training is a comprehensive guide to using water effectively during firefighting operations in the wildland/urban interface. It is intended for all firefighters and provides the learner with important information and relevant examples to help develop strategies to use water in the most effective manner. The course takes approximately four hours to complete.
See the Firewise Link on the rightside of the blog.
Enroll in a course now.
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